What People Are Saying About the Detox

“Throughout the seven day detox, I lost .5” off my waist, hips, and legs, respectively. I felt a lot of that was inflammation and bloat. I could see a noticeable difference in the bloat in my mid section.

It felt so good to be back to a more “normal” size. My weight dropped 6.9 lbs in the seven days. My skin cleared up quickly for a clear complexion.

I will definitely be doing this detox at least once a year (if not twice a year or quarterly, eventually!) for the sake of my health. This detox really brought to mind how we only get one body, and if we want to live long and be able to move around, it’s on US to take action - now!”

— Talynn

“Brandy has been amazing throughout our detox journey. From educating us on what to expect, helping us prep on what to buy, coaching us through the hardest days , and finally sending us encouraging messages throughout the week. We could not have done it without her. There is a complete science to the detox and Brandy was well educated and helped to guide us through. Our first detox was very challenging on days 1 & 2 but she kept motivating us. She even helped to guide us on items we could have at a restaurant while on days 3-7. I lost a total of 11 pounds and my husband lost 15. We will be starting our second detox this week. We are so grateful to have Brandy’s guidance and knowledge through our journey to a healthier lifestyle!”

— Stephanie and David Nater

“I recently completed the 21-day detox program, and the results have been truly life-changing. In just three weeks, I lost 7.4 pounds and trimmed 2.5 inches off my waist. Not only did I see these physical changes, but my stubborn acne cleared up, and my chronic dry skin healed, leaving me hydrated with glowing complexion. Additionally, my bowels normalized, providing me with a newfound sense of regularity and comfort.
One of the most profound benefits was the impact on my mental health. I had been struggling with chronic depression and anxiety for decades, and this detox helped eliminate these issues, allowing me to feel more balanced and at peace. This program has transformed my life in ways I never thought possible. I highly recommend it to anyone looking to improve their overall health and well-being.”

— Ann S.